Rhinoplasty In Sacramento

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Your nose is the centerpiece of your facial features, and many people are self-conscious of their nose appearance due to concerns with the bridge, nasal tip, or nostrils. Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, reshapes the tissues and cartilage to fix the proportions of your face. A “nose job” can also address structural defects affecting your breathing. Dr. Georgina Nichols offers rhinoplasty in Sacramento and is known for her tailored approach and passion for patient education.

Your Rhinoplasty with Dr. Nichols

Rhinoplasty balances your nose size and shape with the rest of your facial features. The procedure can improve the width of the nasal bridge and the size or position of the nostrils and tip of the nose. Dr. Nichols will evaluate your facial anatomy and recommend a surgical approach to address your cosmetic or medical issues. Some of the most common concerns with the nose include:

  • Humps or depressions on the nasal bridge
  • Upturned, wide, or otherwise large nostrils
  • Drooping, hooked, upturned, bulbous, or enlarged nasal tips
  • Asymmetrical nose shape or size
  • Deviated septum obstructing the airway

Your problems with your nose could be hereditary or caused by a previous facial injury. A careful evaluation with our plastic surgeon can determine the best way to improve your nose function and appearance. A deviated septum is typically fixed by aligning the internal structures of the nose to fix airflow and improve breathing.

Rhinoplasty Sacramento
Sacramento nose surgery

Is Rhinoplasty with Dr. Nichols Right for You?

Nose reshaping is customized to your needs based on your nose’s structure, shape, and size. Candidates for rhinoplasty must wait until facial growth is complete to avoid continued changes that may affect results or alter the airway. You should be physically healthy and a nonsmoker to ensure a safe procedure and recovery process. It’s best to have realistic expectations for what rhinoplasty can accomplish for your nose and facial profile.

Dr. Nichols can determine if rhinoplasty is right for you and will discuss your medical history, medications or supplements, cosmetic goals, and other aspects to develop a surgical plan to reach your desired results.

Rhinoplasty Options with Dr. Nichols

There are two main incision techniques for nose surgery: open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty. The closed approach conceals the incisions inside the nose, and open rhinoplasty uses an incision in the columella (thin strip separating the nostrils) to access the underlying tissues and nasal structure. Dr. Nichols uses these incisions to raise the nasal bones and cartilage and reshape the internal pieces.

The actual changes to your nose anatomy depend on the issues you want to be addressed. Dr. Nichols may remove bone or cartilage or utilize a cartilage graft to reduce the appearance of a large nose. Cartilage grafts can be taken from the middle section of the nose (septum) or may use cartilage from the ear or rib (though rare). Our plastic surgeon straightens the nose and reduces structural projections to improve breathing and fix a deviated septum. Concerns with the nostrils or nasal tip require unique techniques and may need additional incisions in the natural creases to alter the shape of the nostrils and tip.

After making the necessary changes, Dr. Nichols redrapes the skin and other tissues over the sculpted nose and closes the incisions. You can enjoy your new nose when the bandages, gauze, and splint come off after the initial recovery period. It may take a full year for the nasal tissues to heal and for all swelling to dissipate. You’ll notice gradual changes during that time, and the results are long-lasting. Natural aging and facial changes may alter your rhinoplasty results, but most improvements are permanent.

Why Choose Dr. Nichols at The Plastic Surgery Center

Dr. Nichols believes beauty is in the small details. Her keen eye and individualized techniques can deliver excellent results for rhinoplasty and other facial procedures. She has ample experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery and has published numerous articles in academic journals, including the Annals of Plastic Surgery and the Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery. She believes it’s a privilege to take care of your cosmetic and functional concerns with your nose and other areas of your face and body.

Schedule a Rhinoplasty Consultation with Dr. Nichols

If you’re interested in rhinoplasty, contact Dr. Nichols in Sacramento, California. Schedule a consultation at The Plastic Surgery Center by calling (916) 929-1833.

95 Scripps Drive,
Sacramento, CA 95825

Office Hours

  • Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Saturday/Sunday - Closed
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