Neck Lift In Sacramento

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Neck Lift

Many women want a graceful, elegant neck appearance, and men want a chiseled neck profile. Unfortunately, the delicate neck skin often shows signs of aging well before the face. The loss of skin elasticity and the appearance of vertical neck bands can be frustrating, but neck lift or lower rhytidectomy can restore a youthful, smooth neck contour. Dr. Georgina Nichols is a skilled plastic surgeon offering neck lift in Sacramento. The procedure rejuvenates the neck and improves the jawline to eliminate a double chin, turkey wattle, and neck banding.

Your Neck Lift with Dr. Nichols

Natural aging combined with genetics, stress, sun exposure, and other outside factors can cause the neck to age sooner, causing skin relaxation and fat accumulation along the jawline and under the chin. The platysma muscle that stretches from the collar bone to the top of the neck can take on an abnormal shape with age, causing vertical bands. Dr. Nichols addresses these changes with neck lift by removing excess fat and skin around the jawline, improving submental (under the chin) definition and smoothing the neckline by readjusting muscles.

Neck lift Sacramento
Sacramento neck lift

Is Neck Lift with Dr. Nichols Right for You?

The neck region can show signs of aging before the face with loose skin, double chin, and jowling. People pursue neck lift when their necks don’t match their facial appearance. While neck lift won’t stop the aging process, the procedure helps you age more gracefully. Patients should be in good health without medical concerns that can affect healing. Non-smokers with realistic expectations for results may qualify for neck lift.

People often pursue neck lift before facelift. For some, a combination of the two procedures offers a good solution, while others may wish to address upper face concerns with brow lift or eyelid surgery at the same time. Dr. Nichols will evaluate your face and neck and recommend a surgical approach to reach your cosmetic goals. She’s known for her thorough consultations and ensures patients understand the entire facial plastic surgery process.

Neck Lift Options with Dr. Nichols

The traditional approach to neck lift creates an incision in the hairline, starting at the sideburn that extends down around the ear and to the back of the hairline. A second incision is made around the chin to remove fat with liposuction and repair the muscle. Dr. Nichols accesses the tissues to sculpt and redistribute fat from the lower face and neck. She tightens the platysma muscle to improve muscle banding and repositions underlying tissues. The skin is redraped over the elevated contours, and the excess skin is trimmed.

Another approach is the limited incision neck lift with a smaller incision around the ear. This technique may benefit patients with minimal loose skin and offers less dramatic results than traditional neck lift. Non-surgical neck lift is another option; this option uses Botox to relax the platysma muscle and may involve other injectables or laser treatment to improve skin quality and restore volume. Kybella is an injectable that breaks down fat cells and is FDA-approved to address double chins.

Neck lift results may last many years, but your genetics and lifestyle choices (including excess sun exposure and smoking) may cause additional skin damage and speed up the natural aging process.

Schedule a Neck Lift Consultation with Dr. Nichols

If you’re interested in neck rejuvenation, contact The Plastic Surgery Center. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Nichols in Sacramento, California, today by calling (916) 929-1833.

95 Scripps Drive,
Sacramento, CA 95825

Office Hours

  • Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Saturday/Sunday - Closed
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