Tummy Tuck In Sacramento

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Tummy Tuck

Many people work hard through diet and exercise to lose weight and tone their stomach muscles, but these goals may be unattainable for some due to loose skin and outstretched muscles. Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is often necessary after pregnancy, weight fluctuations, or natural aging has damaged the abdominal muscles and skin. Dr. Georgina Nichols offers tummy tuck in Sacramento and can help you reach your body goals.

Your Tummy Tuck with Dr. Nichols

Abdominoplasty gets rid of loose skin and residual fat from the upper and lower abdomen. The procedure tightens weakened or separated muscles to provide a smoother, firmer, flatter body shape. The traditional tummy tuck makes a horizontal incision stretching from hip to hip between the belly button and pubic hairline. The incision line is concealed under the panty line, and the shape and length depend on how much extra skin tissue needs to be removed. Sometimes, the incision can be made within an existing cesarean section scar, but the tummy tuck incision will be longer. Another incision is necessary around the belly button.

Dr. Nichols lifts the skin tissue and separates the underlying tissues and structures. She repairs and repositions the vertical abdominal muscles that make up the “six-pack” to provide a smoother stomach and correct diastasis recti. Repairing this muscle separation may improve low back pain and urinary incontinence for some patients. Dr. Nichols may remove residual fat pockets with liposuction before re-draping the skin over the abdomen.

The abdominal skin is pulled down taut, and the excess tissue is trimmed. Dr. Nichols then fashions a new opening for the belly button, pushes it through to the surface, and sutures the tissues back together. If you have stretch marks in the lower abdomen, these will most likely be removed with the excess skin tissue.

You’ll notice a flatter contour right after your tummy tuck, but recovery takes four to six weeks, and post-surgical swelling may not go away entirely for several months. Most patients are confident in their new body shape within a few weeks of their tummy tuck.

Tummy tuck Sacramento
Sacramento tummy tuck

Is Tummy Tuck with Dr. Nichols Right for You?

Candidates for tummy tuck must be in good overall health and at a stable weight. You should be a nonsmoker with realistic expectations of the results. Abdominoplasty isn’t a weight loss solution or substitute for exercise, and weight fluctuations can affect tummy tuck results.

Women should be done growing their families because a future pregnancy will impact results. You must wait at least six to 12 months after childbirth or longer if you’re breastfeeding to give your body time to revert to its natural state.

Dr. Nichols will discuss your body concerns during your consultation at The Plastic Surgery Center and recommend the right procedure to help you achieve your cosmetic goals. Sometimes, liposuction or a combination of body procedures is necessary to deliver your desired results.

Tummy Tuck Options with Dr. Nichols

Dr. Nichols offers full abdominoplasty and mini abdominoplasty. The latter is best for people with minimal loose skin tissue primarily located below the belly button. The mini procedure focuses on the lower abdomen and requires one incision above the pubic hairline about the length of a c-section scar. Dr. Nichols tightens muscle, removes excess fat, and trims excess skin tissue using that incision, and the original belly button stays intact.

Why Choose Dr. Nichols at The Plastic Surgery Center

Dr. Georgina Nichols is a skilled plastic surgeon with ample training and experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery. She’s known for providing excellent results and thorough patient education. She believes caring for her patients is a privilege and focuses on compassion and individualized care. Dr. Nichols knows beauty is in the fine details and tailors each procedure to the patient’s needs.

Schedule a Tummy Tuck Consultation with Dr. Nichols

If you struggle with loose abdominal skin, schedule a consultation to discuss your tummy tuck options with Dr. Nichols. Contact The Plastic Surgery Center in Sacramento, California, at (916) 929-1833.

95 Scripps Drive,
Sacramento, CA 95825

Office Hours

  • Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Saturday/Sunday - Closed
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